Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Should You Write Articles To Promote Your Blog?

Guest Post

I was reading some blogs earlier today and came across someone pondering whether article marketing would be a useful way of getting new readers to find his blog. It amazes me when I see a blogger asking questions like that. You would think that they would learn how well it works really quickly. Does article marketing really work? You bet it does.

If you are using it to generate traffic for a blog you would want to write your articles a certain way. If you are running a niche blog then you would obviously want to write articles related to your niche. You would also want to publish them at niche related websites if possible. Publishing on other blogs as guest blog posts would be smart.

If your blog is not really niche related, then you should focus on who your target audience is for your blog. Think about the kinds of people you are trying to attract to your blog or to whatever specific article you have last published on your blog. Then write articles that would appeal to those people.

One of the most beneficial aspects of article marketing is the ability it has to generate interest in your website from the search engines. Remember that those links count as votes for your website so long as they are regular hyperlinks. And, if you are using relevant anchor text to link back to your articles, then it makes them all that much better.

Once in a while you should write a blog post that is intended to rank really well in the search engines for a juicy keyword. Make the blog post extra long and extra thorough. Make a real effort to turn that blog post into a very valuable source of information on that specific topic. Then publish a bunch of articles at various websites that will link back to that blog post. Get that blog post to rank high and you will get all kinds of targeted traffic that you can profit from. That is one of the best ways to use article marketing for your blog.

If you are already a blogger then writing some additional articles to promote your blog seems like a natural fit. Writing must come easy for you or else you wouldn’t be a blogger. Right? It just makes sense that you would use it. Give it a shot if you aren’t already doing it. The results can be pretty darn good.

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